Monday, September 29, 2014

Do Now 9/29/14

     An editorial is something that takes the center topic. You can see these in news papers or on websites. It expresses the persons opinion on what they wrote in the article. My teachers have told me in the past that wikipedia is not always right and sometimes is lying. People can go in and right whatever they want or there opinion on the article. There are a lot of articles and some are true but a lot are false . Make sure you look over the article so you do not right anything false. The internet is a very powerful thing but "our teachers" say things could go down the wrong path if you copy the wrong path.
     They dont let us use it cause they think everyting on there is fake facts. Our teachers think most people lie on there too give students or people fake facts about the topic they're trying to find out. I would like too use wikipedia but I also don't wanna get points off cause my teacher does not like the website .
     I dont think it has changed at all . People can write what they want , you just have too use common sense and do not copy down the wrong thing . I think it is a good website overall cause it is kids like us writing about information that we are all writing about . The comments that i have are , its a good website you just have too be smart about it . So please let us go back too using wikipedia please !!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

iphone 6 plus

The iPhone 6 Plus is difficult to use one-handed, not to mention more uncomfortable than similar-sized phones. The Good-The bigger battery means great battery life, and the 5.5-inch screen is not only big but bright . The Bad- apps look very blurry as of right now . This phone is n ot mean for everyone , cause of its size. The phone is not meant for everyone but if you have the money for it and your pockets are big enought , deffently get this iphone! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Phablet

        The 5.7-inch Note 4 has an impressive 2560 x 1440 pixel Super AMOLED screen and a 16-megapixel camera . The Note comes with Samsung’s S Pen stylus. The Galaxy Note 4 will go one sale at all the major U.S. carriers Oct. 17. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Post Sem2_Pre

     The class I am taking this year is World history. He has been teaching at Wood-Ridge High school for a good amount of years. But also out of class he is also a track coach . Mr Minnachi spends lots of time with his students and trys too make them as succseful as they can be in there life . He knows that class cant always be boring , so he likes too make it fun for the class and himself!
     I have learned a good amount in my school years , but I have wanted too learn more about our country. We do a lot of work on european county's too learn about famous artsits , poets and people that have discovered big things around the world . I also want too learn more about 911 and the Hollacost . I expect too learn a lot this year , and I know Mr. Minnachi will get the job done and teach me what I need .
     In the past couple of years especially in middle school , I learned a lot about people from european counrtys . Ive learned about what they have done such as , plays , poetry and stuff they discovered . It might be boring but the stuff they discover is what makes there country now. I have also learned about 911 and what happened . It was unfortunate that on September 11 , 2001 , there was a terraist attack in New York City. People from all diffrent places , took aircrafts and drove them into the twin towers . That not only killed and destroyed a lot of people in New York , it also changed America .
     The grading policy for his class is not hard as long as you do your work. Homework and class participation is very big since there are not many tests or quiz's. Mr. Minnachi gives a lot of homework , only beacuse that helps you bring your grade up if you do not do good on a quiz or test. Most important thing is to do good on all .
     Things that I like in his class are his group work projects. I like too get my work done but I also like working and talking too my friends . He does projects every once in a while , but when you have them they are very important . In his class the technology is very important , beacuse we use the projector and his ipad every day . He likes too use the book but he knows that kids get bored looking at a book all day . I would pick his class if you have the choice , hes very funny and he knows how too teach !

Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

In this article I learned about what a copy right is , also you dont have too do any paperwork. The copy right laws are , reproduce the copyrighted work , Display the copyright too publicity , Prepare derivative works on the copyrighted work , and distributes copies of the copyrighted work by the public . Teaches you how too right it so people do not copy your writing .

Thursday, September 11, 2014

tech article

Iphone 6. Very big phone , but its a computer in your hand. Easier then carrying your lap top. Easy too keep in your pocket. Screen has gained even more size , with a combined 5.5 more inches . Screen is a computer in your hand . Samsung helping out with make the screen bigger. Orders your while they're still out . They will start the pre-orders , September 12th 2014. They will start selling in store on September 19th 2014.