Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do now 12/15/14

My goal is to play in the pros for football. I would love to do this because it could help out the community and make kids keep pushing towards there goals. It will also help because kids will learn to get better grades in school so they can keep goin . I would also like to go pro because i can give money to fix Wood-Ridge up!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to? I subscribed to these sites because i like to watch and learn about football,the news and the marines etc.

  1. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them? It was hard in the beginning because I did not know what i was doing but then I got used t it and it got easier from there. 

  1. Which sites were your favorites? The sports one was my favorite , because I love to learn more about sports and get more updates on them.

  1. What else can you use RSS feeds for? To get updates and news on stuff while you are not watching it.

  1. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future? I'm going to start using it more often , because it makes stuff easier and you get to your cites a lot quicker!

Friday, December 5, 2014

blog posting 12/5/14

 play station 20th anniversary. This is a limited addition . They're making a total of 130 in the state of New Jersey. Instead of it being blacked out they made this one speaial by making it grey , with a blue inside. It is supposed to be one of the fasted working game consoles to be made in the century. It is retail is 300$ included with 3 new games . Get yours while it's out

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

what class do you want?

If i was a teacher , I would want to have a sports class. I think more kids need more training in the sports they want to play. I feel like kids need to learn the game that they're going to play before they go out to just try for a sport. Most schools will just accept kids but I think it is a very good idea if we put this elective in. I think our school should consider on doing this.
           To play a Fall , Winter or Spring sport you have to take this class the marking period before and past the test to get on the team. If you wanted to play football you should know how many points a touchdown and a field goal are. They should also know the difference between offense and deffense. You should learn this so you do not coast your team a huge penalty or make a bad mistake on the field. I think this will help schools all over and they should deffently do it!!!